New Provider Request Form (PRF)

When they need a project set up in HMIS, agencies are asked to complete a “Provider Request Form” (PRF). That form collects the information ICA requires to properly configure a project provider in the system.

We’re excited to announce that a new version of the PRF is now available. The revised form is designed to be more user-friendly, and to facilitate more accurate and timely HMIS provider setups.

New Form Features

  • Transition from Google Forms to Airtable: ICA has learned through user feedback that access to Google Forms is sometimes blocked by agencies. By moving the PRF to Airtable, we hope to make the form accessible to everyone who needs it.

  • No More Extra Forms: Previously, a project that spanned multiple CoCs or utilized multiple funding streams required the completion of multiple PRFs. Now only one form is required per project!

  • Quick Connection to Assistance: When filling out the PRF, you can request time with an ICA staff member to get assistance completing the form.

  • Fewer Questions: The length of the form has been reduced by eliminating unneeded questions and building in “conditional logic”, which controls the display of questions so that only those relevant to your project appear.

If you need to request that a project be set up in HMIS, click on the following link to launch the new and improved Provider Request Form:

Have a question about the Provider Request Form or project providers in general? Check out the Knowledge Base article “What is a Provider?” or contact our Helpdesk at

Scott McGillicuddy