New Newsletter Section: Report Due Dates

Our newsletter has a new Report Due Dates section! This section will feature reminders for most federal and state homeless programs about reports that are due in the upcoming  3-4 weeks. We will be letting you know due dates, which reports to run for which time period, and how to submit them. Some things to keep in mind:

  • We do our best to keep you informed with the most up-to-date information but deadlines and details can change. Please defer to communications from your state or federal program manager as they will have the most updated information.

  • We will not be providing report due dates for HUD CoC (Continuum of Care) projects as due dates vary based on an agency’s grant year.

We track State and Federal program report due dates to (1) ensure our team is ready to support you on the Helpdesk during peak reporting seasons and (2) prioritize our work auditing and preparing reports. We hope you find the Report Due Dates section helpful as you carry out your important work.