Make ART Work for You: Best practices for successful reporting

Good ART habits aren’t just for busy reporting seasons! At any time of year, practices like maintaining a tidy inbox and minding the time of warehouse rebuilds will help you in your own work, and have a positive effect on the whole community of ART users.

Follow these best practices to help make ART work better for all of us:

  • Run small and medium-sized ART reports and only schedule large reports to reduce the burden on ART.

  • When possible, run reports outside of peak business hours, which fall between 11am and 3pm.

  • Very large reports should be scheduled outside of peak ART usage and rebuild times. While there is an exact moment that ART is finished refreshing new data, the rebuild process takes a few hours behind the scenes. When reports are scheduled during those hours, there is a higher likelihood they’ll get stuck at pending or fail.

  • As a reminder, you can check the date and time of the most recent ART rebuild yourself to make sure your report will have your most up-to-date data. Once you connect to ART and scroll past the ART Browser and Scheduled Reports section, you’ll see “Last Warehouse Build” with a date and time stamp in the bottom left corner.

  • Make sure you are scheduling reports from their home in the restructured ART gallery instead of rescheduling old versions – you can check the location of an ART report and its most recent version in REPORTcollection.

  • Though it’s a pain, we strongly encourage deleting reports from your ART inbox and scheduler to improve speeds. If you have hundreds of reports in your inbox, don’t hesitate to contact the Helpdesk and we will let WellSky know to clear the reports out for you.