Let Helpdesk Help You!


Our Helpdesk sees a variety of cases. Our aim is to put a spotlight on some recent cases we’ve received. The goal is to provide resources that users can use to help with data entry. We have lots of useful Knowledge Base articles for you to use so check them out! The helpdesk team would like to outline some recent questions we’ve received, with the hope of guiding users to helpful resources and reminders.

Help with Households

Understanding and troubleshooting households can be tricky! Fortunately, we have a variety of Knowledge Base articles that touch on every aspect of households.

Our Knowledge Base articles are printer friendly! Print off an article that you use to have it handy.

Can I Create an Anonymous Client?

We’ve seen a recent uptick in anonymous client records. As a reminder, anonymous clients should never be created! Even if a client doesn’t sign the release of information, identifying information can still be entered. Remember that consent is not needed to be entered, it is only needed to be shared. Client profiles can be closed and have statewide data sharing removed. You can find those steps here. Also, please contact us if you need assistance removing statewide data sharing.

Knowledge Base Article: Anonymous Clients

Refresher User Training

Our Moodle user training program is not exclusive to new users! Whether you’re a new user, a veteran user, or somewhere in the middle, you can enroll in our refresher course. This consists of various training courses on data entry and reporting. Be sure to note on your registration form you’re signing up for the refresher course. Click here to get started!