Introducing the HMIS Governing Board’s 2021 Workplan

The HMIS Governing Board continues its commitment to collaboratively, transparently, and strategically advance Minnesota’s HMIS.  As we recently shared in this newsletter article, the Governing Board, ICA and stakeholders we represent and support are in the process of formally requesting HUD-funded technical assistance to guide our long-range direction setting.   

The Board recognized it would be a disservice to wait until this process is complete to address pressing needs and opportunities, and set out late last year to develop a plan that would keep us grounded in our day-to-day work, advance strategic priorities and nurture our capacity to more effectively set a long-range direction for HMIS.  Governing Board committees and working groups worked internally to identify and elevate goals, which were shared across committees to identify and coordinate “like work” for maximum effectiveness.  These goals were ratified by the Governing Board in February and are being implemented now.   

We plan to reflect on our progress against these goals throughout the year, and you can keep tabs on how we’re doing by dropping in on a Governing Board or committee meeting in the coming months.  This year’s workplan and our request for HUD Technical Assistance are in service to our commitment to develop a vision, strategy and goals for Minnesota’s HMIS.

View the 2021 Workplan