ICA Staff Operations Update - Doing Our Part to Flatten the Curve

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, starting Monday, March 16th, 2020, ICA Minnesota staff are working 100% remotely. 

What this means

  • HMIS business as usual, just remotely.

  • User groups, trainings, and regular in-person meeting participation will all be structured as video/phone calls.

  • ICA staff will work from their homes and will not travel for any work-related activity.

What this doesn’t mean

  • ICA is not closed. Our regular work, including Helpdesk operations, will continue as usual.

  • Don’t stop entering data! Users should continue data entry as usual. While we know demands on agency staff are immense, timely data entry is critical during an outbreak. 

How we came to this decision

This is an increasingly vulnerable time for individuals and families experiencing homelessness, who are at increased risk for contagion. We are compelled to do our part in this public health emergency and to reduce community impact. We are fortunate to be so situated that our work can be done remotely. So many jobs, among them the recipients of this newsletter, cannot be. We’re tremendously grateful for YOU. We hope that by taking these steps to mitigate contact with direct care service providers, we’re doing our part to “flatten the curve”.


In the coming week, we will share more via our newsletter on the role of HMIS in the event COVID-19 hits our shelters and/or housing facilities. If your agency learns an individual served has a presumptive or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, contact our Helpdesk at

Know that we will be responsive, balancing client privacy and health and safety.

Thanks for the work you do each day, especially now.

ICA Minnesota

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