Housing Support (GRH) Providers: Reporting Information!

Housing Support (GRH) Providers have their second reporting period to DHS coming up fast! All Housing Support data must be inputted and errors corrected by 8/31/2019 for the time period of 07/1/2018 to 6/30/2019. The deadline of 8/31/2019 allows ICA to send reports to DHS by 9/15/2019.

Housing Support providers will be using the Core Report for their data quality and reporting purposes.  This can be found using the following path in ART: Public Folder -> SSA Report Gallery -> Agency-Level -> Program Evaluation -> MIN-01-SAG-030 – MN Core Homeless Programs.

NOTE:The Core Report is only to be used by Housing Support providers for completingdata quality for their projects. ICA will be submitting the final report toDHS.


Here are the report prompts you’ll want to use:

  • Select Provider(s): Your Housing Support Provider(s)

  • Enter Start Date: 7/1/2018

  • Enter End Date (PLUS 1 Day): 7/1/2019

  • Enter effective date: 7/1/2019

Please note that the Core Report includes tabs to help you identify data quality issues (i.e., there is not a separate data quality report). For more detailed instructions on running the Core Report, see the Housing Support User Guides.

Please contact the Helpdesk with any questions you may have!