HMIS Software RFP Public Comment Period

On March 13, 2023, the Minnesota HMIS Governing Board voted to draft and release a Request for Proposals (RFP) to HMIS software vendors. Since then, we have been hard at work drafting the RFP. The Minnesota HMIS Governing Board and ICA, your HMIS lead agency, value a transparent, inclusive process. While ultimately, board members hold voting authority, power sharing and participation should be built into a software review at each turn.

To that end, tomorrow we will make the RFP available for public comment until June 30th. By reviewing the RFP and providing input, you can help us ensure that this RFP represents our community. Equally as important to know, we have been incorporating suggestions that users have given to us over the years in meetings, helpdesk queries, feedback surveys, and other avenues. You tell us what you need your HMIS to be: you want an HMIS that is simple, intuitive, easy to use, that connects people to resources and drives decisions.   

Instructions on how to give feedback will be within the survey itself, which will be released alongside the draft RFP. Watch for a news alert from us tomorrow!