HMIS Quarterly Data Quality Monitoring Begins in 2021


Minnesota's CoC Coordinators and state program partners would like to recognize the incredible work providers have done in 2020 to improve data quality in our HMIS. Through the Quarterly Data Quality process, your efforts have led to improvements in the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of data in our system. With that high-quality data, we honor the stories of those who experience homelessness in Minnesota, bring transparency to how they are served, and highlight for local leaders and policymakers the extent of homelessness in their communities.

The Quarterly Data Quality process is a joint effort of all the people to whom information about homelessness is important: you as user agencies, Institute for Community Alliances, CoC Coordinators, and state program partners. The success of QDQ rests on all of us working together.

CoC Coordinators and state partners met regularly throughout 2020 to develop a pilot plan for monitoring HMIS data quality. This pilot will launch in the first quarter of 2021.

Our goal in this pilot is to try a new way of working together, making sure your successes are celebrated and that you have the support and resources needed for high-quality HMIS data entry.

The following outlines the pilot monitoring process for 2021. You can also read about the plan in this document.

Quarterly, CoC Coordinators and state program partners will gather to review scores for a subset of project types (see review calendar below).

  • Based on their review of the quarter’s data, they will select a score category to target, and high and low score thresholds (for example: scores above 95% or below 75% in Completeness).

  • Providers in the following categories will receive follow-up communication from their CoC Coordinator and funder:

    • Any provider scoring below the low score threshold in the target category

    • Any provider scoring above the high shore threshold in the target category

    • Any provider not participating in QDQ (i.e. submitting scores through the Data Portal) two quarters in a row

  • In the follow-up communication, providers can expect:

    • For non-participating providers and those below the low score threshold: an invitation to access support resources, including targeted data entry training or a meeting with their CoC Coordinator and/or funder

    • For providers above the high score threshold: gratitude and recognition for their exceptional data quality

Image showing the project types that are monitored for each quarter

At this time, our monitoring is focused on providing recognition and support, and no punitive measures tying QDQ scores to funding are planned. Because data is such a crucial piece to understanding how programs are performing, as we get better at responding to data quality issues, this is subject to change in the future. We are committed to communicating early and often regarding how we'll use what we learn through QDQ.

We encourage providers to give us feedback on the process: you can do so by writing to the Helpdesk, or if you prefer, submitting feedback anonymously.

Part of the work of ending homelessness is entering, supporting, and making decisions based on high-quality data. As coordinators and funders, our work in this moment is to review the data and identify areas of success and for improvement. We are excited to begin this work alongside you.

Thank you for all you do,
Minnesota's CoC Coordinators
Minnesota's State Homeless Program Partners