Help from the Helpdesk: Can this be merged?

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Our Helpdesk tracks the types of questions we see. We use this data to inform when we need to create learning materials for HMIS users, ensure our internal staff is up to speed on content, and track trends over time.  

One type of question we see often is “duplicate client troubleshoot”. In the last 6 months we had about 120 duplicate client troubleshoot questions and wanted to share this resource from our Knowledge Base to help users understand more about the merge process and data implications: What if I find a duplicate client?  

A few important takeaways from this article:  

  • The Helpdesk will only merge records if they are shared records. Which means we will only merge 7 digit records, and only merge if the client has consented to the HMIS Release of Information (ROI) 

  • 2 out of 3 components of Personally Identifying Information (PII) in a client record need to 100% match for the Helpdesk to merge 

  • You may choose to take no action, which results in two client records being maintained for the same client. Duplicates do not inhibit data entry, they won't impact federal reporting, nor is there a HUD mandate to de-duplicate the system. 

Do you have a client with multiple client IDs that you think can and should be merged? Are you looking for more information? Contact the Helpdesk!