Help from the Helpdesk: A little help from our Reporting and Evaluation friends

On Helpdesk, we have received an influx of cases regarding reporting deadlines and where to find certain reports. Helpdesk is supplemented with some great reporting resources from the Reporting and Evaluation team that we would like to put a spotlight on.

Our Reporting and Evalution team is an essential piece of our puzzle. We’re extremely grateful for these resources; not just for users, but for our team as well.

How to find the report you need

Have you ever known exactly what report it is that you need, but you can’t seem to find it and need it quickly? It happens to the best of us, as it’s easy to get lost in those ART folders. We have an incredible tool for finding reports by name/report code (and our own staff uses it too!): the ICA MN Report Collection. Here you’ll find valuable information: the report code and name, current version, report description, and the ART folder path.

Here’s a tip:

If you know the report code, feel free to search for that in the upper right corner.

Image of arrow pointing to magnifying glass icon in upper right corner

Type the report code and voila!

Image of report search results
Image of search results

*note that in some instances you’ll have to scroll through*

Keeping track of your report due dates

Can’t quite remember when that submission deadline is? We’ve got you covered. We have a well-organized section on our website to view which reports are required for various homeless program submissions. There are multiple deadline sections for you to sort through; all report deadlines, deadlines within the next 3 months, and a calendar overview of deadlines.

This tool has so much more to offer than just displaying a deadline date. Here, you’ll find which report you need to run, along with the start/end date for when to run the report. Our team keeps this up to date, so you’ll always have accurate information. Find it on our website here!