Heed the DQ Email, and Chart Your Path Early

These last 2 weeks, your Regional System Administrator (RSA) has been pushing out data quality emails to projects that need to focus on certain data elements (questions) for Federal Fiscal Year 2019, which runs October 1, 2018 – September 30, 2019. Plan ahead and address your data quality early. Address all cleanup by the end of the day, Friday, November 8th.

Check Your Own Work

Via the data quality emails, we have linked users to the FFY19 Data Quality Corrections Guide. Within you can find instructions for pulling the same reports we are pulling to check your own work!

I Did Not Hear From Anyone?

This is a huge lift for our team to prepareemails listing out data for projects to focus on! We want to make this asstraightforward as possible, and that takes time. Expect to hear from someonein the next week if you have data to change.

Quarterly Data Quality – Coming January 2020

While having these big pushes for data cleanup can prompt you to review your data quality, increasing your data quality on a more regular basis will improve system usage for your agency and the whole state! Want to learn more? Click here!

In Case You Missed It, you can visit our Federal Fiscal Year 2019 Data Quality Review page to access additional information related to this work.