From the MN HMIS Governing Board: Two important HMIS surveys!

2021 HMIS Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Policy & Prioritization Committee of the HMIS Governing Board wants your feedback! The 2021 HMIS Customer Satisfaction Survey will give you the opportunity to provide feedback on ICA's performance as the Lead Agency, as well as your experience as an HMIS user or stakeholder.

Your feedback will help shape the 2021 Lead Agency Performance Review that will be presented at the upcoming HMIS Annual Meeting. This survey is the primary opportunity for the Policy & Prioritization Committee to understand the challenges and successes you experience as HMIS stakeholders, and we'd love to hear from as many of you as possible!

Responses are due by 5pm on Friday, September 24th. Take the survey here: Survey link

MN HMIS Governance Survey

Earlier this year, the HMIS Governing Board announced that we would be seeking HUD-funded technical assistance (TA) to help build the Board's capacity for long-term HMIS planning. This request was approved and an ad hoc group has been working with Cloudburst, the assigned TA provider, with staffing support from ICA.

The MN HMIS Governance Survey will help us identify where to direct our capacity-building efforts. Questions touch on topics such as:

  • What is your vision for HMIS and how could it be a more useful tool to end homelessness?

  • How can HMIS governance better represent and meet the needs of HMIS end users and people with lived experience of homelessness?

  • Is HMIS governance currently focused on the right things?

Please consider taking the time to help shape and strengthen the future of HMIS in Minnesota. Responses are due by 5pm on Friday, October 8th. Take the survey here: Survey link