Final PIT DQ Deadline Approaching

ICA and CoCs have spent the week carefully reviewing PIT data corrections and revising totals. As a community, we've made excellent progress on data quality. 

Now, we pivot to targeted corrections for outstanding data quality issues. Watch for targeted correction emails from your RSA – please make time to respond quickly to these requests! 

We will focus in part on over and under-utilization in projects. Utilization is calculated by comparing the number of people in the program on PIT night to the number of beds recorded. 

For example, if your records show ten beds, but 20 people stayed in program on PIT night, you will be asked to explain. 

We will send a few alerts as the data correction deadline approaches. The final absolute deadline for data corrections is Monday, April 1st at 8am

After the deadline, ICA will tally PIT counts for CoCs to submit to HUD and will share statewide totals.