FHPAP Report Changes for the New Biennium & New M-PAT Report Instructions Available

The first quarter for the new FHPAP 2020-2021 biennium just came to an end and the first reporting deadline is November 8th, 2019. The Minnesota Housing Reporting Timeline can be found on the MN Housing FHPAP site.

The MN Prevention Assessment Tool Report Guidance has been updated with report guidance. This report will be submitted for Q1 of the 20-21 Biennium to Minnesota Housing (this excludes RRH providers).

There are changes that have been made to the existing FHPAP reports in the new biennium. MHFA is aware of these changes. This does not require any action on your part outside of regular data quality for FHPAP report submission. The changes are as follows:

Housing Status

Housing Status (Category 1-5) has been removed from all FHPAP reports. This element was retired as of 7/1/2019. Follow this link for prior newsletter announcement.

Homeless Assistance and Short/Medium Term

The distinction between Homeless Assistance and Short/Medium Term categories has been removed from the SHP-50-SAG-019 -FHPAP Entry Exit and Income Report and the SHP-50-SAG-014 – FHPAP Demographicsand Entry Counts

Previously, the report sorted clients into these categories based on time in the program.

  • 30 days or less- Homeless Assistance

  • More than 30 days- Short/Medium Term

Domestic Violence

The Domestic Violence element has been adjusted on the SHP-50-SAG-014– FHPAP Demographics and Entry Counts to include Heads of Households under 18. This change was made to be consistent with the counts on the MIN-01-SAG-030- MN Core Homeless Programs report. The Demo and Entry Counts now include HoH’s under 18 experiencing or fleeing DV.

See a breakdown of changes here. Please email the Helpdesk at with any questions.