FFY19 Data Quality Underway!: Clean up your data by Friday, 11/8

Does cleaning up your data feel a little hocus pocus? Is it haunting your dreams? Are you afraid to turn to the next page?

Don’t be scared – our Helpdesk is here for you and ready to take your questions! ...or offer a shoulder, or a piece of candy.

As you know, our statewide effort to clean up Federal Fiscal Year 2019 data in service of the Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) and System Performance Measures (SPMs) is underway. If you need to review any data, you should have an email in your inbox with an attachment listing out the data to review and linking you to our Data Corrections Guide. You can contact your Regional System Administrator or our Helpdesk if you want to confirm you didn’t overlook something, or that the email isn’t sitting in your co-worker's inbox.

Clean-up your data by the end of the day on Friday, November 8, 2019 so we can assess the current state of the data for your entire CoC and make recommendations accordingly.