Do You Have a User Currently Going Through HMIS User Training? Read This!

MN HMIS User Training and registration will be put on pause and will be unavailable from November 16th through November 30th, while scheduled maintenance is performed on the ServicePoint Training site, and we prepare to launch the redesigned HMIS User Training content and platform on December 1st, 2020.

Please be aware that if you have staff currently participating in HMIS User Training, they MUST complete their entire training by Friday, November 13th. This means that all practice client work in the Training site and Training Completion forms must be submitted two business days earlier (by the end of day November 11th) to give our staff time to review all final Data Entry Exercises.

Beginning on Tuesday, December 1st, anyone registering for User Training will be starting with the newly redesigned training content and process, including any users who were registered for the old training but did not complete it by November 13th, who will be required to start over on the new platform.

We are excited to launch our newly redesigned User Training, and we thank you so much for your patience during this process!