DHS-OEO THP Semi-Annual Reporting Deadline is February 15th

The semi-annual reporting deadline for DHS-OEO THP projects is Friday, February 15th. The followingfour reports should be run for the period from 7/1/2018 - 12/31/2018 andsubmitted to DHS:

  • THP Income Counting

  • THP Demographics and Entry Counting

  • THP Exits Counting

  • THP Goals Follow-Up Summary Detail*

These reports can be found in the SSA >> 4. StateHomeless Programs >> DHS OEO THP folder in ART.

*The THP Goals report has recently been redesigned, so don’t bealarmed if it looks a bit different. More info to come in our next newsletter!See the HMIS User Guide for DHS-OEO THP Projects for more information.