Decoding the Case Manager Type Field
Wondering what the difference is between a “Case Manager” and an “Enroller”? What if no case manager type has been selected? Read on to understand what each type means, how to use the Case Manager Type field, and when you should update it.
There are three case manager types you might see in ClientTrack:
Case Manager
None/No Value Selected
Back in January, we added a new field to the Case Manager Assignment form to help differentiate between users who simply created a client’s enrollment (Enroller) and those who are actually providing housing-focused case management services (Case Manager). Prior to this change, every user was identified as a “Case Manager”.
Clients with enrollments migrated from Community Services or those from August to mid-January 2025 will likely have enrollments with no case manager type recorded.
When a user creates an enrollment, they are automatically assigned the Enroller case manager type. That user could be someone purely focused on data entry, a shelter reservation team member, or even someone at an organization who is working with the client more closely, but is not providing formal case manager services. When deciding whether to reach out to a user who is labeled an Enroller, know that they may not have an active connection to a client or know how to get in touch with them.
The Case Manager type is used when a user is assigned as a client’s housing-focused case manager. That user is in regular contact with the client and is helping them work toward their housing goals. The user is often an excellent contact to coordinate with when trying to reach the client to connect them with housing opportunities or other service needs.
To see case manager contact information, click the edit icon next to the user’s name. If you have the option, do not change any information on this page, as it is there for your reference only.
Please note that case managers are sometimes assigned prior to a client enrolling in a case management project. To assign a user the “Case Manager” role when they are already assigned as an “Enroller”, click the edit button and change the drop down from Enroller (or blank) to Case Manager.
Users can only have one active row per case manager type, so you may not see all enrollments they are associated with displayed in their own row. If you hover over the “?” under Associated Enrollments, you will be able to see any other active associated enrollments for this user.