Curious about the latest changes to ClientTrack? Join our new release webinars
To build confidence in ClientTrack, you need to know about changes as they come. To meet that need, ICA is starting a new venue to demonstrate the latest releases to Minnesota's HMIS.
Starting this March, we will host short webinars to demonstrate the changes released in the month prior.
The webinars will feature a demonstration of each new feature or fix, along with an explanation of what is changing, why it is changing, and the impact on users.
Wonder if the next webinar will be for you?
Take a look through the release notes in February to see if the changes introduced into ClientTrack impact you.
Upcoming release notes webinars
Tuesday, March 11 1:00pm-2:00pm: for releases on 2/20 and 3/6
Tuesday, April 8 1:00pm-2:00pm: for releases on 3/20 and 4/3
Monday, April 28 10:00am-11:00am: for releases on 4/10 and 4/24