COVID-19 System Alert and Survey

In response to the recent pandemic, ICA has launched tools in HMIS to assist you with managing this situation on-the-ground. These tools are meant to help our community respond more rapidly by complementing your local protocols – allowing them to present in HMIS records – not replace local protocols. If utilized, you will find these tools allow your program or agency to more efficiently report out to partners engaged in COVID-19 response.

An Alert System

HMIS is a uniquely positioned tool that allows homeless service organizations to share information with one another instantaneously. ICA developed a system to leverage HMIS to notify other agencies of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases for those you serve. This allows an opportunity for front-line staff, particularly at our emergency shelters, to immediately trigger COVID-19 protocols on-the-ground that protect the safety of the individual and other guests. We are asking agencies to create an Alert in HMIS (1) if client tested positive, (2) showed symptoms through agency’s screening protocol, or (3) self-report to have symptoms.


  • Work with your supervisor to ensure you understand COVID-19 protocols at your agency so you are equipped and prepared to respond appropriately to this alert in a client’s record.

  • If you see an incident that (1) was not created by your project nor a project in your sharing network and (2) is not tied to COVID-19, IGNORE. Do not use the information to impact housing decisions.

Data Entry Instruction: We are using the Incident functionality of HMIS for this notification system. While some projects (particularly emergency shelters) are familiar with this functionality, most of our HMIS user base is not familiar. We have created detailed instructions walking you step by step through the data entry.

COVID-19 Survey

ICA developed a series of questions in consultation with a range of sources, including local agencies and the Minnesota Department of Health. This is an optional Survey within a client’s record in ServicePoint (HMIS). The Survey allows you to input the following information into HMIS related to COVID-19:

  • Date of Survey

  • Provider Completing Survey

  • In the last two weeks, have you been in close contact with anyone who is experiencing fever, new or worsening cough, and shortness of breath (symptomatic or likely have COVID-19)?

  • Have you been asked or chosen to keep yourself away from others (quarantine) because you’ve been in contact with others who likely have COVID-19?

  • If yes, have you kept yourself away from others (quarantined) since that time?

  • Staff use: Was the client screened for COVID-19 symptoms?

  • Are you currently experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (fever, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath)?

  • If yes, date symptoms began

  • If yes, were you tested for COVID-19?

  • If yes, outcome of COVID-19 test results once received?

  • Date symptoms ended

  • Have you been asked or chosen to stay away from others (isolate) because you have or likely have COVID-19?

  • If yes, have you kept yourself from others (isolated) since that time?

  • Date isolation ended

Data Entry Instructions: This Survey will present itself via your normal data entry workflow at the top of your Assessment(s) for enrolled clients. If you would like to use this Survey pre-enrollment, or outside of an enrollment into your project, we have made this Survey available in the Client Profile tab in ClientPoint as well. We have created detailed instructions walking you step by step through the data entry. If you’d like to print a data collection form for the survey, please visit this page to access a Word document of the survey.

Coming Soon

In the coming week, ICA will publish an attending ART report with summary and detail data on the content of the COVID-19 survey sub-assessment.

By utilizing this COVID-19 survey within HMIS for all possible client records, you can efficiently report on the number of clients served who have been screened and the result of those screenings. ICA intends for this to complement your ability to report to the various efforts underway across the state to safely shelter and house persons experiencing homelessness during the pandemic, like the Minnesota Department of Health Symptom Alert System for Shelters, SASS, as well as state, federal, or local entities responding to COVID-19.

As we navigate these uncharted waters together, we want to extend our appreciation for your work. we hope these new tools will help your on-the-ground efforts and allow you to focus on safely serving clients.

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