Core Report UAT and Release


Thanks to our user testers!

THANK YOU to the many HMIS users who took time from their days to test the Core report. The feedback you provided was insightful and will serve to strengthen our product. We appreciate your discerning eye and devotion to the work! While we cannot accommodate every suggestion, we are taking up no less than 68 feature enhancement requests.

Full Core Release

We will release a revised version of the Core report on Monday, July 16th. All users are encouraged to begin running this report alongside the reports you are familiar with throughout the next few quarters. With the exception of DHS Housing Support, this report is not yet required. However, as we continue our work to align and simplify your reporting suite offerings it will be used for more programs, so the more familiar you are with this report, the better. While we will not be modifying this report again for several quarters, we will continue to accept feedback, so feel free to submit an idea via our Report Request Form.

Core Technical Guide

Later this summer, we will release a companion manual with technical specifications for the Core report.

Intended use

Note: this report is not yet a formal mandate for any of our programs other than DHS Housing Support. To ensure a smooth, transparent, thorough transition to the Core report + supplemental report model that is aligned with other redesign efforts, ICA will continue to partner with CoC Coordinators and State Homeless Programs throughout this state fiscal year (SFY19).