Coordinated Entry ART Reports: The Client CE Status Report

“Is the person I assessed appearing on the Priority List?”
“Are there any pending referrals for my housing program I need to update?”
“Does anyone at my shelter have a referral for housing?”

When you need to answer these questions and others like them, check out the Coordinated Entry reports in ART!

In the previous newsletter we introduced the Housing Referrals report. Today we will talk about the Client CE Status report.

What is the report’s full name?
MIN-00-CES-248 - Client Coordinated Entry Status

Who should run it?
Anyone who works with clients that participate in Coordinated Entry.

What is it used for?
To see whether a client was participating in Coordinated Entry or had a housing referral within the specified date range.

Five questions the report can answer:
1. Of the clients served by my program, how many participated in Coordinated Entry and how many had referrals for housing?
2. Which clients participated in Coordinated Entry?
3. Which clients are currently participating in Coordinated Entry?
4. Do any of my clients have unresolved housing referrals?
5. Which housing program was a client referred to?

For more information about reports, go to the Coordinated Entry page of the HMIS MN website and select your user role. The Coordinated Entry Reports Overview handout is a great place to start!