ClientTrack user training coming soon!

A big thank you to everyone who filled out the ClientTrack Live Training Interest Survey that was sent out last month! We had an overwhelming response, and are glad to know that MN users are just as excited as we are to learn this new HMIS software system. Survey responses have allowed us to more accurately gauge the levels of staffing resources we'll dedicate to different methods of trainings based on user and project types, accounting for our internal workload as we prepare for ClientTrack go-live at the end of July. 

ClientTrack Training:

  • To meet the high demand, we are asking that all users first take advantage of our convenient, self-paced, online learning platform Moodle to complete the required ClientTrack user training. Keep an eye out for a News Alert from us at ICA in your inbox announcing when the training is live and available. We anticipate training in Moodle will go-live in early to mid-July!

  • In the lead up to go-live, we plan to offer a series Zoom webinars on a variety of data entry topics, beginning in mid-July as well. Dates, times, and registration links will be listed on the Software Transition info page of our website.  

  • In addition to the online Moodle training, ICA will also be scheduling on-site and virtual trainings, beginning in mid-July, for teams who have complex or specialized workflows that go beyond the basic intake and program enrollment. A member of ICA MN staff will reach out to arrange the logistics of these trainings soon. 

  • Then, beginning second week of August, we will begin to add more agency-requested live virtual and in-person trainings into the mix as well. ICA staff would be happy to join your existing meetings, as able, to provide short general demonstrations of the new system.  

What You Can Do Now:  

  • All MN HMIS users should already have a Moodle account. One thing you can do right now to prepare for the launch of ClientTrack training, is to be sure your Moodle username and password are up-to-date and working. If you've forgotten your password, please first try the "Lost Password" self-service function on the Moodle login page. If you have any issues logging in, email the MN Helpdesk so we can assist you.  

John Ward