ART Folder Restructure Is Complete!

Notice anything different? The ART Folder Restructure is complete!

You poured yourself your morning cup of coffee, logged into ServicePoint, and opened ART, only to find this in the SSA Report Gallery :

ICA re-vamped the structure of report folders in ART to make finding reports simpler and more intuitive. The folder structure and report names will look different and a report code prefix will be appended to the start of the report name. We hope the change makes it faster and easier for you to get the data you need!You may feel like this right now:But, we are here to support you through this change! Keep reading for information on the ART folder structure transformation and how to find the new location of your reports.

What changed?

  • We replaced the 27 main folders in the SSA Report Gallery with 8 main folders. In the process of doing this, we also archived about 2,250 ART reports! That's right, the new folder structure contains just over 200 reports that we identified as still relevant to our HMIS users.

  • You will also notice a code in front of each report name. The newly created report code is a string of Report ID – Audience – Homeless Program – Primary Use. We created the report code for you to more quickly gauge the the purpose of the report and for us to better organize and maintain ART reports. For more information on how to decipher the code, please see our article about the REPORTcollection.

How do I find the new location of my reports?

Our REPORTcollection is a tool to help you find the report you need. The searchable database of reports allows you to search on a variety of fields including report, path, audience, etc.Check out the column labeled New TEMP ART Folder Path to find the new ART folder path of your report(s).For more information on how to use the REPORTcollection, click here.

I can't find the report I am looking for in the in the REPORTcollection. What do I do?

Please contact the MN HMIS Helpdesk ( with the following details:

    • Name of report you are looking for - If you have a copy of this report floating around in your ART Inbox, feel free to send us a screenshot of the report name. If you have a copy in your files, send us over a copy (remember, do not send reports with identifying information to our helpdesk).
    • Location of report (if you remember)
    • How you use the report

If, indeed, it is not in the new structure, it means we've archived it away. We will recover the report from our archived files and place into a new location in the SSA Report Gallery.We hope you're feeling a little more like this now:As always, email the MN HMIS Helpdesk ( with any of your questions and concerns!

Reports, UncategorizedKatie Ashton