Answers to Frequent FHPAP Questions
This news article was intended to be time-limited, but we've noticed it continue to be a resource for data correction. While we figure out a new home for data correction information, please note this article reflects report due dates and reports from June 23, 2016 and has not been updated to reflect new information.
FHPAP report season is upon us! FHPAP reports accounted for 23% of all reports ran in ART from January 1, 2015 - May 31, 2016. To prepare for the busy report season, we created answers to your frequently asked Helpdesk questions and a handy FHPAP tip sheet. We'll continue to add to this list throughout report season, so check back and continue to contact the Helpdesk with your questions!
Duplicate client records
If you notice duplicate client records (two records for same client) and you would like the client records merged, please email with both client IDs and let us know which client ID (of the 2) you’d prefer to keep. If you share this client with another agency, we may need to get approval of the second agency before we can merge the client records.
Funding Source and Service Cost missing but data is entered
Why are Fund Source and Service Cost appearing as missing on my report when I have confirmed that information is entered in the Service Transaction tab? Assuming the Fund Source and Service Cost is entered under the FHPAP Service in the Service Transaction tab like in the image below (A), this error is most often caused because the “primary client” assigned to the service is NOT the assigned Head of Household. To create a Service Transaction, you have to first be in a client’s record. Whichever client record you are in when you create a Service Transaction is assigned the primary client of that service transaction, even if other household members (including the Head of Household) are included in that service transaction. The report is looking for the primary client to be the Head of Household. If the primary client does not equal the Head of Household, the data appears as missing (even if it is entered and the Head of Household is included in the Service Transaction). To fix this,
EDA to the correct provider (provider that created the service transaction).
Enter the Head of Household’s client record.
Click on the Service Transactions tab (B).
Click on View Entire Service History (C).
Funding and Service Cost
Wrong primary client FHPAP
Service Transaction
5. From the Entire Service History sub-tab, open the service with the wrong primary client assigned by clicking on the Edit Pencil to the left of the service.
6. Delete any Funding Source(s) by clicking on the trash can to the left of FHPAP (D). Tip! Write down the amount of the service as you’ll be re-creating this service momentarily!
(D) FHPAP Instructions
7. Click on Save and Exit.
8. Click on View Entire Service History.
9. Delete the NEED that corresponds to the service (this will delete the service) by clicking on the trash can to the left of need (E). (Note: A need is automatically generated when you create a service transaction.)
(E) FHPAP Instructions
10. Switch to another household member by clicking on the drop-down toward the top-right corner of the client record to select another household member. Then, click on Submit.
Switch HH Member
11. Again, delete the NEED that corresponds to the service (this will delete the service) by clicking on the trash can to the left of need.
12. You have to delete the need and service from each household member’s client record. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until you have deleted the need and service from each household member’s record. Note: If you get this error message (F) when you are trying to delete a need, you skipped Step 6! You need to first open the service transaction to delete the Funding Source. Then try deleting the need again!
(F) FHPAP Instructions
13. Switch to the Head of Household’s client record.
Switch HH Member
14. You will now need to re-create the service from the Head of Household’s client record. In the Service Transactions tab, click on Add Multiple Services to begin! (Or click on Add Service from the Services sub-tab depending where you are currently located).
FHPAP Report Location
Delete a service transaction
Follow the steps under "Funding Source and Service Cost missing but data is entered" above, but SKIP Step 14 and IGNORE the tip in Step 6.
Required FHPAP data entry workflow
Need a refresher on the FHPAP required data entry steps? We’d recommend reviewing the MN HSG-FHPAP Reference Guide and watching the 14 minute workflow overview MN HSG-FHPAP Program Requirements
Running reports
There are two types of FHPAP specific reports: Counting and Data Checking. To understand the client-level data and which data needs to be updated or fixed, you need to run Data Checking reports. Counting reports do not contain client-level information, but contain de-identified data for your project. These are the reports you submit to your funder. Your FHPAP reports are located in ART following this folder path: Public Folder – SSA Report Gallery (Funder Reports) – FHPAP. You have 3 Counting reports under FHPAP Counting and 4 Data Check reports under FHPAP Data Checking. To run these reports, click on the magnifying glass to the left of the report you’d like to run and follow these steps for Scheduling Reports in ART. These instructions are generic to any report. REMEMBER the ART Refresh/Data Upload schedule! Data is uploaded from ServicePoint into the Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) twice per day. Data entered by 10:00am should be available in your reports by 2:30pm the same day. Data entered by 12:00am should be available in your reports by 4am.
Matrix requirements
The matrix is no longer required for FHPAP projects. Matrices are only required for LTH projects.
Location of data collection forms
Scroll down to the Minnesota Housing section and click on the arrow to the left of FHPAP to expand the FHPAP sub-section.
Data Collection Forms
Which reports to run for this report period
Note: Rely on funder communication for report periods, due dates, or changes to requirements. Grantees nor sub-grantees need to submit reports directly to MN HSG; ICA runs reports by grantee and statewide for MN HSG following the grantees' due date. Sub-grantees should run your data check and counting reports and make sure your data is clean by your due date.
FHPAP Demographics and Entry Data Check
FHPAP Exits Data Check
FHPAP Income Data Check
FHPAP Services Data Check
FHPAP Demographics and Entry Counts
FHPAP Exit Counts
FHPAP Income Counts
Once you confirm, sub-grantees should let their grantees know their project data is clean and grantees should let MN HSG know their sub-grantees' data is clean by their respective due dates (see below). Subgrantees may be asked by their grantee to submit counting reports by due date. Rely on communication from your grantee. We are in the process of confirming the following information for this report period: Grantees nor sub-grantees need to submit reports directly to MN HSG. Confirm your data is clean by 7/21/2016 (Subgrantees) or 8/4/2016 (Grantees) for the report period 7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016:
FHPAP Demographics and Entry Counts
FHPAP Exit Counts
FHPAP Income Counts
Don't see an answer to your question? Contact the Helpdesk!