Announcing…Knowledge Base!

You asked for it, and it is here! Behold, the Minnesota HMIS Knowledge Base! You can find the Knowledge Base on our website under the Training and Support section.

What is a Knowledge Base?

It is acollection of some of our frequently asked questions with answers from the teamat ICA. Everything is sorted into topics, and there’s a very easy-to-use searchfunction. It even works well on smartphone and tablet screens!

If you don’t know exactlywhat you are looking for, or just want to gain more insight into HMIS, you canclick around to your heart’s content and read any and all of the articles youfind interesting.

We have done alot of testing to make sure that everything works and that there are no brokenlinks. If you are looking around and spot anything we may have missed, pleasecontact us! You’ll find a Contact Us link at the bottom of everyarticle and at the upper right-hand corner. You can also use these links to letus know if you need information that the Knowledge Base just didn’t seem tohave.


What About the Helpdesk?

We know that you can get many answers through our Helpdesk, and we love being able to assist you there. This service isn’t changing. However, we know that homelessness isn’t an 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday through Friday problem. Many of you work different hours or just need answers to a question quickly and easily. The Knowledge Base will let you access information at any hour, on any day. Since these are common questions, yours may very well be there. If not, we will still be available to help you.