Add Your Ideas About HMIS with the Implementation Committee

The Implementation Committee of the HMIS Governing Board is a great way for passionate HMIS users to have an impact on how the system is used. You can have a voice about how to make things easier for users and, in the process, better serve clients. The committee is looking for new members.

The purpose of the Implementation Committee of the HMIS Governing Board is to solicit input from users of HMIS regarding the ease of use as well as implementation issues and then provide recommendations to Governing Board and State System Administrator (ICA). It may sound a bit overwhelming, but really it is not.

The committee is made up of HMIS users who want to make a difference in how HMIS is used. The committee members have assessed certain questions that are part of the HMIS workflow, made the case for form-fillable PDF forms for client data, and discussed the actions and trainings at User Groups. There are any number of ways that your ideas about HMIS can play a role in the committee’s work.

This is a great time to join the Implementation Committee. The members are currently restructuring some of the committee tasks and, whether someone is a new member or not, there are opportunities to make a difference right away.

Consider getting involved in HMIS planning by attending a committee meeting. All meetings are open to the public and you can simply stop by to see what it Is like.

For more information about the Implementation Committee, click here or contact the Helpdesk and ask for the August 18th meeting invitation.