Restructure Complete and Wilder Farewell

This message was emailed by Wilder Research to the HMIS community to provide you with important information regarding the System Administrator transition and restructure.First, as of 11:59 pm tonight Wilder is no longer your HMIS State System Administrator. It has been a pleasure collaborating with you in our collective fight to end homelessness in Minnesota. The Interim Governing Group and CoC Coordinators have selected the Institute for Community Alliances (ICA) to be your System Administrator. You can reach ICA staff at:
Second, "Phase 2" of this monumental restructure is completed. This database restructure started with "Phase 1" in March 2015. There are no training requirements to re-gain access to ServicePoint as there were with Phase 1. You can now login to ServicePoint using your previous password. How you'll benefit from Phase 2
Phase 2 tied up loose ends from Phase 1. In most cases, you'll know if you have experienced visibility issues following Phase 1. Visibility issues = You can't see the data you need to see!
  • CoC Coordinators, Local System Administrators, and Funder Reporting Leads can pull aggregate reports for their particular projects.
  • Provides users with retroactive visibility to client records and sub-assessment. These components were not being shared as needed when you clicked on Verify and Save data.
  • Correct system setup for agencies that were setup incorrectly after Phase 1.
Finding Data Entry ErrorsAfter Phase 1, your data entry workflow changed (for most users, but not all) to include "Enter Data As (EDA)" and "Verify and Save." Following Phase 2, it will be easier to identify EDA errors. Most HMIS Users at agencies will not notice EDA nor Verify & Save issues when they run funder or other reports. The issue will be that your funder or CoC Coordinator or other agency users in a different tree will not be able to pull this information into reports.
Finding Enter Data As (EDA) Data Entry Errors
You can proactively check for EDA errors by running an ART report. In ART, follow this folder path: SSA Report Gallery-Data Quality Tools-EDA DQ-EDA DQ EE Option by Provider Group or Provider (DHS-OEO ESP projects should use the EDA DQ SVC Option by Provider Group or Provider). This report will tell you when you created an Entry/Exit record (or Service Transaction) without being in proper Enter Data As mode. Run these reports as soon as possible to identify your EDA errors.
How to Fix EDA ErrorsEntry/Exit Projects1. Click on "Enter Data As" (EDA) and select the correct provider to enter EDA mode.2. Open the primary client's record.3. In the Entry/Exit tab, open the applicable Entry record by clicking on the Edit Entry pencil.4. click on Save & Continue.5. Verify the data you see on the Entry Assessment is correct (otherwise update the data elements) and click on Verify and Save data at the bottom of the assessment.Service Transaction Projects (DHS-OEO ESP)Contact the HMIS Helpdesk: