2023 HMIS Recertification Training: FINAL REMINDER!

A final reminder if you are a current MN HMIS user or supervise HMIS users: the 2023 HMIS Recertification Training required for all users is available now in Moodle!

ICA expects that all HMIS users will take time to complete this year's training, both to maintain high data entry standards and the security of their clients' data, and for the sake of their agency's overall data quality. Unlike previous years, ICA will not be inactivating user accounts due to non-completion, but we will continue to monitor training completion in Moodle.

Last year we achieved an impressive 90% completion rate by the end of the deadline on October 18, 2022. So far this year, unfortunately, we've come up short with only 25% of MN HMIS users completing the training so far.

To complete your 2023 HMIS Recertification Training:

  1. Login to ICA’s Moodle training site here:

  2. On the "My Courses" page in Moodle, find and select the course titled “2023 MN HMIS Recertification Training”.

  3. Complete the "Required Activities" in each lesson in the course:

    1. FY24 HMIS Data Standards Changes

    2. 2023 HMIS Data Security & Privacy Annual Recert

    3. HMIS Assessment Reconfiguration

  4. Anything under "For Further Learning" is optional content. Recommended, but not required!


And that's it! There is no need to follow-up about course completion as ICA staff will continue to track that in Moodle.

Having an issue accessing Moodle?
Check out the automated password reset feature on the Moodle login page or contact the Helpdesk at We’re here to help!

Scott McGillicuddy