2022 Point-in-Time Count Results

The Point-in-Time Count or the PIT Count is Minnesota's annual count of all persons experiencing homelessness. The PIT Count is mandated by HUD, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and occurs yearly. Although the PIT Count is an annual mandate, the unsheltered count is only required every two years.

The 2022 PIT Count found that a total of 7,917* individuals were experiencing homelessness on January 26, which includes those in unsheltered situations, Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing programs. The total hasn't changed much compared to the past 4 years' counts.

The Point-in-Time Count is reported individually by the 10 Continuums of Care (CoC) in Minnesota. Breaking down the 2022 total by these 10 regions, the count mostly increased as all CoCs counted the number of persons experiencing homelessness in unsheltered situations where in 2021, only 1 region conducted the unsheltered count.

Finally, looking at the Point-in-Time Count 2019-2022 by location in which the individuals were experiencing homelessness, the number of persons in Emergency Shelters on the PIT Night in January in 2022 decreased from 2021. The number of persons in Transitional Housing programs continually decreased compared to the past 4 years. The number of persons in unsheltered situations is overall comparable to the 2019 and 2020 when the unsheltered count was conducted statewide.

*The 2022 total PIT count and 2022 counts in the graphs have been updated since the original publication of this article. These numbers are still preliminary as HUD has a PIT review process before finalizing, however, they align with what CoCs have submitted to HUD.