2021 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is Today!

We hope you’ve tuned in to your CoC's training and instruction for tonight’s Point-in-Time Count. If you haven’t, check out our redesigned webpage with all the Point-in-Time Count Training materials and catch up here.

If you are looking for general Point-in-Time Count information you'll find it has moved to its own page on our website located under the Data tab here.

TONIGHT, Wednesday, January 27th at sunset through sunrise, Thursday, January 28th is the official count.

Most years, folks from around Minnesota in our sector work together on this night to get a snapshot of the state of homelessness, both sheltered and unsheltered.  This year, it will look different.

Many regions in Minnesota decided to request a full exemption from HUD, which means they will not conduct a formal unsheltered count. Others may conduct an abbreviated version; conducting phone-only surveys or utilizing only street outreach teams, for example. Defer to your CoC Coordinator for regional guidance.

For our HMIS Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing projects, to ensure your full participation in the PIT Count, just be sure to conduct timely and complete data entry for everyone in your program. This includes new and temporary shelters.

All HMIS data must be entered on or before February 17th.

If you participate in the unsheltered count or also have non-HMIS ES, SH, or TH projects, you should already have in hand what you need (PIT LIVE link and/or paper surveys!). Reach out to your local PIT Lead or CoC Coordinator asap if not and review our website for materials.

We wish you a successful Point-in-Time Count!

Guest UserPIT 2021, PIT, PIT Count