2020 Homeless Day on the Hill: The Basics of Advocacy and Why is it Important?

The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless is now accepting registrations for the 2020 Homeless Day on the Hill on March 11th, 2020. People from all over the State of Minnesota will be gathering to learn about advocacy and talk to their local legislators about the actions needed from lawmakers to address homelessness on our communities. 

To register for the free event, click here.

I work in a nonprofit organization; can I participate in advocacy for policy?

While we do recommend that you check with your supervisor just to be sure, Homeless Day on the Hill is a bipartisan effort that does not focus on a single candidate or political party.

Read the article below to learn more about the nonprofit sector’s role in advocating for their cause.

Yes, You Can—and Should! Nonprofit Advocacy as a Core Competency

Want to learn even more or share in-depth resources on legislative advocacy? 

Check out this document on the National Council of Nonprofits website.