Updates to the 296 FHPAP Supplemental Report

On July 14th, two new FHPAP program-specific data elements were introduced due to the implementation of Fast Track funding. The SHP-50-SAG-296 - FHPAP Supplemental report has been updated to reflect these changes. Please read below for details and resources to help you run and understand this report.

New Report Prompt

An additional report prompt has been added to allow HMIS users to run the report for either Fast Track or standard clients or both. Users will run the updated 296 FHPAP Supplemental report similar to how they ran the previous version, but with the addition of the "Select FHPAP Funding Type" prompt. How this prompt is completed will determine if client and service transaction data is included or excluded from the report.*


*Note if you are running this report for Homework Starts with Home you do not need to complete this prompt.

Flagging Missing Values for New Data Elements

The Recent FHPAP Payment and FHPAP Funding data elements have been added to the "Entry Exit Detail and Errors" tab of the report.

"FHPAP payments in the last 60 days?" is located in column K. If the question is missing either a yes or no answer for the head of household the cell will be yellow; if there is a hyphen (-), the question is not applicable.


"FHPAP Funding Type" sub-assessment is located in column L.

  • If the cell is yellow, this indicates the head of household does not have at least one row (either standard or Fast Track) entered in the sub-assessment. If a client is missing the FHPAP funding assessment, they will not pull into the summary tabs of this report.

  • Response of "Standard (prior to 6/01/2023)" represent entries created prior to that date where a sub-assessment is not required and the entry is defaulted to count as Standard funding.

  • If a client has both Standard and Fast Track rows in the sub-assessment, they will just have one row of data on this tab and it will say "Fast Track; Standard".

  •  If there is a "-" the sub-assessment is not applicable (this is only required for the head of household)


Funding Source Added to Service Transactions Tabs

The "Service Details" and “Service Not Counted" tabs have been updated to reflect the addition of an "FHPAP Fast Track" funding source option.

  • Fast Track ONLY Reports: Service transactions with "FHPAP Fast Track" as the funding source will pull into the report.

  • Standard ONLY Reports: Service transactions with "FHPAP" as the funding source will pull into the report.

  • Fast Track AND Standard Reports: Both "FHPAP" and "FHPAP Fast Track" service transactions will pull into the report.



Still stuck? Users struggling with FHPAP specific data entry can now sign up for office hours to meet with a member of the ICA team for 30 minutes over Zoom, and we can answer questions. Click here to sign up for a time slot.

Don't forget too that Minnesota's HMIS Helpdesk is available to answer questions Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Contact us at

Scott McGillicuddy