Summer 2017 Live Webinar Series

We are pleased to offer our community live webinar trainings (optional) on a variety of topics this summer to refresh your skills and learn about data! Although most of these webinars are geared towards HMIS data entry and reporting staff, anyone is welcome to attend!

_________________________________WATCH PREVIOUS WEBINARS

Updating Sub-Assessments - HUD Verification (Data Entry)

  • Inputting data using HUD Verification step for monthly income, non-cash benefits, health insurance, and disabilities

  • Making updates to sub-assessments

  • How to handle incongruent data entered by another agency

 Updating Households (Data Entry)

  • Adding a family member to a household

  • Documenting transient or returning household members

  • Changing the head of household mid-program

  • Changing the household composition mid-program

 Annual Assessments for HUD CoC Projects

  • What is an Annual Assessment?

  • How to enter an Annual Assessment

  • How to fix errors

  • Introduces a new report to assist you identifying Annual Assessment errors.

 Documenting Living Situation and Disability Status to Determine Chronic Homelessness

The following data elements are used to identify whether a client meets the criteria for chronic homelessness. We are providing this webinar to ensure standard data collection and to accurately capture chronic homelessness. This webinar is geared towards data collection staff, including Coordinated Entry assessors, data entry staff, and agency administrators.

  • Residence prior to project entry

  • Length of stay in previous place

  • Approximate date homelessness started

  • Regardless of where they stayed last night, number of times the client has been on the streets, in ES, or SH in the past three years including today

  • Total number of months homeless on the street, in ES or SH in the past three years

  • Disabling Condition

 Data Entry Refresher

We will provide an overview of the core ClientPoint Module - Entry/Exit workflow (the most common HMIS data entry workflow) and allow attendees to ask us questions! We will not be covering ShelterPoint nor SkanPoint. We are limiting registration to 30 people - reserve a spot to participate! 

PATH Workflow - Review and Q&A

  • PATH workflow review from start to finish

  • Q&A


Do you receive CoC funding for your program? Learn how to pull and read the new Annual Progress Report (APR) in ServicePoint. 

How to Read Data Quality Reports (+MN’S Data Quality Plan)

  • Quick overview of Minnesota’s Data Quality Plan and Process

  • Overview of report tabs and how they're organized (incongruent reports vs. completeness reports)

  • Resources to understand steps for data correction

 Using ServicePoint for Case Management

Introduces how ServicePoint can be used as a Case Management tool. 

Updates from HMIS

Minnesota’s HMIS has gone through a lot of changes since ICA started in June of 2016. Join Demetri Vincze, Project Director for MN HMIS at ICA, and Justin Vorbach, CoC Coordinator for the Southwest MN CoC region, for a discussion of where we are headed in the next year and beyond! This session will answer three key questions for agencies and individuals using HMIS: What has changed for Minnesota’s HMIS and why does it matter? What are the priorities for HMIS in the next year? Who makes decisions about HMIS?

PIT Results Statewide

Understand the state of homelessness in Minnesota on the night of January 26, 2017 using HMIS data, as well as PIT Live data. We will discuss statewide trends compared to national data in recent years, as well as highlight particular local data. We’ll also discuss how the whole process works and why it matters.

All webinars will be recorded for later viewing at, or via links above.