Racial Equity in the Homelessness Response System: 2019 National Conference on Ending Homelessness and Capitol Hill Day, Washington DC

In July, Dani Gorman, an ICA SystemAdministrator for the Hennepin CoC, attended the 2019 National Conference onEnding Homelessness and Capitol Hill Day in Washington DC.

“I learned how others across the nation areending homelessness in their communities through data and innovative programapproaches. The people that I met, and the knowledge and experiences theyshared are indispensable.”  ~ Dani Gorman

One of the toptakeaways from the conference hosted by National Aliance to EndHomelessness was on racial equity and the impacts on homelessness systems andbeyond. NAEH invited presenters from across the nation to talk about racialinequities in the homelessness system and ways that we can use data to addressthese systematic inequities. 

NAEH’s Racial Equity Network has released a Toolkitthat can be accessed to look at racial inequities in CoC’s across the US. Intheir blogpost, they also include a link to the CoCAnalysis Tool: Race and Ethnicity created by HUD. Check out the NAEH blog pagefor more articles and data on ending homelessness in your community.

ICA has also created some tools to look at racial disparities in Minnesota’s Coordinated Entry System. Find out more in this article from our Turning Data into Insight series.