Our Transition to ClientTrack: Go-Live Set for End of July

Transition Status

We are pushing out our go-live in ClientTrack to the end of July, as it has become clear we need more time to get it right. This adds approximately four weeks to the implementation.

 What does this mean about the transition work currently underway?

There is a lot in progress at once as two complex systems – our statewide MN HMIS and a highly configurable tool like ClientTrack – come together. We have identified several excellent solutions to the data entry and reporting problems we live with today, but the complexity means development and testing take time.  

What will ICA do with the additional time?  

These four weeks will enable us to:

  • Thoroughly and iteratively test how the new system is developed so our users can accurately collect data for their projects;

  • thoroughly test the the data being migrated. This helps us assure we start with high data fidelity; and

  • prepare the community for differences in the end user experience, including more time to produce high quality training. 

Will ICA’s regular activities resume in Community Services?

No. We will not re-open user training (exceptions notwithstanding) or other activities we have already slowed or stopped.  

How does this affect you today?

For the next several weeks, you will be able to use Community Services as you always have. Please keep entering client data as your normally would.

As always, we welcome you to reach out to us at with any questions, concerns, or ideas.

John Ward