New and Improved HMIS User Training Has Launched!

Minnesota’s HMIS User Training is live once again, and all users are now able to register for and complete User Training online.  

Participants can expect significant updates to the user experience: learning content accessible to more types of learners, updated videos (none longer than 15 minutes), interactive quizzes and learning content throughout to build deeper knowledge and skills - all on a new learning management platform called MOODLE.

Once a new user is done with their initial training and gains access to the ServicePoint live site, they will continue to have ongoing access to their MN Moodle site account. This means that all the training content and resources will continue to be available to all users in the future, whenever they would like to access them again! 

Anyone who is currently a live site licensed user, and would also like access to all the new content on the MN Moodle training site in order to refresh and practice their skills, can fill out the Registration form on the User Training website page (link below) and select the check-box on the form for the "Refresher” user type option. 
Please check out our newly redesigned User Training page for more information: CLICK HERE