LTH Calendar-Year Matrix Reports Due January 31, 2019

LTH providers must submit Matrix reports to MN Housing by January 31, 2019. These reports cover the 2018 calendar year. For a detailed description of each report and instructions on how to pull them, please refer to the LTH User Guide.

There are three Matrix reports to submit tothe funder: 

1.    1-2S Self Sufficiency Matrix Progress Summary

2.    3S Summary Report Domains at Population Entry

3.    4S Summary Report Domains at Population Exit

Details for these reports can be found starting on page 25 of the User Guide.

Additionally, providers may pull the Matrix Data Check LTH Report in advance in order to help review this data (do not send to funder!!). Details start on the bottom of page 17 of the User Guide.

Review the matrix reports for accuracy and submit to Minnesota Housing. Name the files: your Project Name_ Report name _Report end date. Email the three files (.pdf) to and include the name of the project/building in the subject line.

You will also see that there are two“client-level” (labeled 1P and 2P) matrix reports available in ART. These are solely for internal agency use and allow you to view matrix scores in a usable format for tracking individual client progress. These may be useful in guiding conversations directly with clients around service planning and goal formation,but they are not a report for the funder.

IMPORTANT NOTE!!There are other data check and counts reports related to demographics, incomeand LTH program-specific data elements (ie residence, subsidy, etc). These reports are due to MN Housing on the fiscal year cycle, so it is not required that you engage in this area of data clean-up/review for this round of reports. That said, it is extremely valuable to review all your LTH data on aregular basis, not just when annual reports are due. To that end, we encourageyou to prioritize matrix-specific data reviews in order to ensure you are meeting this month’s funder reporting deadline, but make sure you also have a plan in place to review all LTH data elements on a regular basis.

Please direct any questions or issues to ourHelpdesk at We willprioritize our responses to LTH inquiries to immediately address matrixreporting issues, followed by other LTH reports.