HYA Transitional and Permanent Housing Report Changes - Action Required

We have an important update regarding HYA Transitional and Permanent Housing reports that are due on February 15th.  Please note two changes:

New HYA Counting Report to Submit to Funders

In addition to the 4 Counting reports you are familiar with, please also run HYA Trans Perm Follow-Up Counting V.2017.1. This is a summary of the Follow Up Data Check report.Note: The numbers may not total correctly if there are Follow Up Outcomes either completed incorrectly or not completed. Use the Data Check report to determine how to fix these errors.Action Needed: Run HYA Trans Perm Follow-Up Counting V.2017.1 report and submit to DHS OEO. There are 5 total Counting reports to submit for HYA Trans Perm sub grantees.

Data Check Reports with Revisions to Run Again

We have released updated versions of both the HYA Trans Perm Follow-Up V.2017.3 and HYA Trans Perm Outcomes Data Check V.2016.3. You may not have differences between versions, but it is important to check.HYA Trans Perm Follow-Up V.2017.3: the previous version did not properly pull in clients who exited BEFORE the report period who were eligible for a Follow Up during the report period. This version properly pulls in clients who exited prior to the report period and had either a 6 or 24 month follow up due. ALL HYA Trans Perm users should re-run this report..HYA Trans Perm Outcomes Data Check V.2016.3: The previous version had a few glitches that have been cleaned up regarding how clients were pulled into the report.Action Needed: Please use these data check reports before you submit to your funders.We apologize for the inconvenience of these late changes but appreciate those of you who identified glitches in the reports. We look forward to a successful HYA reports submission!

DHS, HYABritt Heinz-Amborn