HMIS Resources: Getting a Fresh Start with New Software

While the fundamental purpose of HMIS software like Community Services and ClientTrack is the same, the user experience they offer differs in many respects. Variations in terminology, visual presentation, and interactivity mean that the resources ICA has created over the years to support HMIS use will need to be replaced.

We see this as an opportunity, both to refresh our resources and to make it easier for HMIS users and other partners to find important information. In service of that latter goal, ICA will be consolidating related resources in three primary locations:

Knowledge Base |

What will remain the same?
The Knowledge Base will continue to be home to a wide variety of data entry and reporting resources.

What will be different?
Articles will be more concise and consistent, and there will be a greater emphasis on including visuals to break up long blocks of text.

HMIS Website |

What will remain the same?
Site visitors will continue to see familiar documentation like HMIS policies, instructions for requesting the setup of new projects, and important communications.

What will be different?
Data entry and reporting resources will no longer be found on the “Forms and Instructions” page or elsewhere on the website, as the Knowledge Base and Moodle will host that content instead.

Moodle |

What will remain the same?
Whether you are completing training for the first time or are a long-tenured user, ICA's Moodle site is a great place to look for essential information about HMIS.

What will be different?
In addition to updating materials to prepare users for the transition to ClientTrack, our training team is exploring options for providing new types of learning opportunities.


Some of the changes described above will be implemented over the course of the weeks leading up to ClientTrack’s July 1 go-live date. If you have any questions about where to find HMIS resources, either before or after that date, please contact our Helpdesk at

Scott McGillicuddy