Data Quality Process Q2 2017

We are in the midst of our quarterly data quality process! We will be reviewing data for the second quarter of the Federal Fiscal Year 2017 (1/1/2017 - 3/31/2017).Read more about Minnesota's DQ Process.If you haven’t done so already, please run and review the applicable Data Quality Reports below for the period January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017.

  • Provider Summary Data Completeness Report for Entry-Exit Programs

  • Provider Summary Data Completeness Report for Service Transaction Programs

  • Provider Summary Data Incongruity Report for Service Transaction Programs

  • Provider Summary Data Incongruity Report for Entry-Exit Programs

 Other Helpful Data Quality Reports ·        Clients Exceeding Max Length of Stay

We also recommend that agencies with ES & TH projects run this report. The goal of this report is to identify clients who stayed longer than allowed by the program.  For ES, the report pulls in entry/exits, shelter stays, and shelter services on separate tabs. For TH, the report pulls in entry/exits. The report is located in the Data Quality Tools folder in ART. The max length of stay for ES & TH in the prompts have been preset, but can be changed if needed for specific programs,

If a client has exceeded the maximum length of stay, check to make sure they have an exit date in HMIS that reflects the date they left the project.  If the client does not have an exit/end date, users will need to add one.  If the client already has an exit/end date, users will need to revise their existing exit/end date.  To find the true date they left the program, users may need to reference client files.

 ·        Subassessment Errors - Data Completeness on Client Profile

This report identifies common errors in the disability, income, non-cash benefits, and health insurance subassessments. Please note, we are currently in the process of fixing a bug pertaining to Error 4 in this report.

·        ROI Clean Up Report

Documenting a Consented ROI – New Component to Data Quality

Since the advent of statewide data sharing on 10/3/2016, an important new data quality practice began. For clients created on or after this date, agencies must review the statewide data sharing ROI with each client, and, if they consent to statewide data sharing, document their consent properly in HMIS. This ensures statewide visibility is properly applied (or not).

All providers should run the ROI Clean Up Report. Instructions (as well as a new video tutorial that will be added this week) can be found on our website.

 The reports above can all be found in the Public Folder/SSA Report Gallery (Funder Reports) (Secure)/Data Quality Tools/Provider reports.Of course, reach out to us with questions or concerns. Please reference the Data Quality User Guide for common troubleshooting as well. Resources: Data Quality User Guide – We updated this document to include an overview of Minnesota’s data quality process, a section devoted to correcting data, the difference between all the data quality reports, and more! Be sure to send out the link to the updated guide when you contact agencies about their data quality.