Coordinated Entry ART Reports: The Assessor Agency Check report

“Is the person I assessed appearing on the Priority List?”
“Are there any pending referrals for my housing program I need to update?”
“Does anyone at my shelter have a referral for housing?”

When you need to answer these questions and others like them, check out the Coordinated Entry reports in ART!

Over the next three newsletters, we are going to introduce three essential Coordinated Entry ART reports. Up first is the Assessor Agency Check.

What is the report’s full name?
MIN-00-CES-222 - CE Assessor Agency Check

Who should run it?
Assessors and Priority List Managers

What is it used for?
To check assessment data quality and see who has been added to the Priority List by a specific agency or assessor.

Five questions the report can answer:
1. Is the person I assessed currently on the Priority List?
2. Is the assessment I filled out missing answers to certain questions?
3. Who most recently assessed a particular person?
4. How long has it been since a person's assessment was updated?
5. Who is being excluded from the Priority List because of a data entry error?

For more information about reports, go to the Coordinated Entry page of the HMIS MN website and select your user role. The Coordinated Entry Reports Overview handout is a great place to start!